We are all Fucked.

Matthew Risinger
3 min readSep 7, 2020

Song of choice for this reading:

Here are my thoughts on the upcoming election, and why it truly is the Most. Important. Election. Ever.

In general, politics has been run such that while both parties disagree on how to run the country, they do not disagree that either part wants to see the best for this nation and improve it in their own way. This has changed in 2020, and it is terrifying. No longer do Democrats see Republicans as simply the conservative voice to American politics, they are now the voice of racism, hatred, and fascism. Republicans now view Democrats as socialists (which isn’t a bad thing lol), anti government looters, and anti-fascist operatives (again, not a bad thing). Part of the issue lies in how inept the parties leaders have become at picking representative candidates that people want to vote for. I do not want to vote for Joe Biden, but my god, I want to live, and Donald Trump may literally kill me. In truth, the Republicans hit an absolute bomb of a candidate when they endorsed Trump, as he has galvanized a base and secured a very, very dedicated base of supporters. That base just so happens to be racists, but at least Trump did something without his father’s help for once. Let’s revisit Joe Biden though.

So, Joe wasn’t your first choice? Me too. But, we must vote for him. There is no option other than Joe. Voting for Kanye is not only stupid, but shows your complete disregard for other humans who will actually be affected in their day-to-day lives if Trump wins re-election. Voting for Jo Jorgensen is not only stupid, but also demonstrates that you know nothing about politics and do not care about getting a fascist out of office. She is not going to solve our problems, and although she is not an accused rapist (unlike the other two), she does not have a shot. Back to Joe. He has a problematic past record. The ’94 crime bill is an absolute stain on his record, but let’s look at how far he has come. As the democratic party has shifted left, so has he. He did not initially support LGBT rights and the equality of marriage, but when it became an important civil rights issue in the late 2000s, he joined team “pro-liberty” and threw his total endorsement behind it. And now, it is the law of the land and will not be going away. Joe also trusts science and will handle the pandemic so much better than Trump ever could. His plan is laid out, he will unify the country, and he is really our only shot.

Let’s talk about Trump. Why would you ever vote for him? If you vote for him, you endorse all of the following:













Did I mention racism or sexism?

Incest (?? he wants to date Ivanka dude)

So perhaps you are none of those things, you are not actively racist. But what you are? You’re willing to overlook it for some reason. So racism is not a dealbreaker for you? Got it. Trump has stated he cannot say whether or not he will accept the results of the election, which is, just terrifying. He is attempting to put and end to American democracy, the KING OF DEMOCRACY (paradox is kinda funny) in the modern world, and some people don’t care. They’re okay as family members, friends, and military members die by the hands of Trump’s inaction and lack of interest for the office of President of the United States of America.

I can’t believe this election is even close. Biden should be ahead by 55 points. If you care about your country, your life, and your democracy, you vote for Biden this election.

